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Audrey cheong
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1 Courage 2004
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Sunday, January 30, 2005
hey everyone.
yesterday was a total waste of my precious saturday... blah. cant believe it. sinyee, aud and i went compass point to eat. met Val at KFC. then met bananas in pyjamas. lol. we went toilet thrice. lollll. after that met yvonne, yue ting and lots of guys outside Taka. yupp. so its already around 1.30 yeahh. so we reached yio chu kang at around 2, waited till 2.30 for xun min and ms lim. then took the bus, reached the bus stop at 3.45. ohh you know what? we got scolded on the bus. got some men said we were very noisy and ms lim started defending us so argument started. omg. then they alighted from the bus. ok so anyway, walked to ECP, and went Mcdonalds till 5. me and yvonne went toilet. the toilet cubicle i went to has VoMiT inside. so damn disgusting. then we went 7-11. i gave yvonne extra lol. and she cant finish it. and the cover of the slurpee cup was leaking. coz too much lol. then returned to mcdonalds, and ms lim and the others hid my wallet. thx a lot yeah. i was like so scared, my wallet contained 20 odd dollars and it was bought for me by my grandmother. but then i saw audrey was kind of smiling and ms lim oso had a funny face. then it was 5, the others went cycling. me and sinyee strolled to the carpark and took taxi from there. thx joella and hui ting for directions. hhaha. we reached home at 6. 30. Wednesday, January 26, 2005
today so xian in school. juz the same old thing. but today in history class watched a WW2 video. I hate the Japanese. They are sadistic, cruel. They bombed pearl harbour for nothing, invaded most of asia juz coz they wanted to be the master of asia. and they killed so many ppl. i hate japanese! charlyn hui ting and i will go china!! and maybe joella and jade. but i doubt it. haha. shld get some more ppl, 3 ppl not fun. haha. Saturday, January 22, 2005
hey yesterday was funn.
we went Rui Ling's house to do OM. Hui Ting and I were latee. we missed a bus stop and had to walk back. lol. then we were blaming each other for missing the stop. wahaha. then we were walking to her house, and we passed by a house. there was a sign that said 'beware of dogs' so i was reading it out loud and going woof woof. then 2 large dogs appeared and ran to the front of the gate. they really looked lyk they were going to jump over the gate. so scary. but oso very idiotic. cant someone walk past? what unfriendly dogs. then we did abit of the proj. after lunch we talked about spirits and stuff. then jade did a trick. and she was whispering so loud to Hui Min. I could hear part of it. she pointed to stuff and hui min was supposed to guess what object i had pointedd to before that. I am so smart, i heard jade whispering what 'black thing' so i guessed and it turned out to be the object after jade pointed to a black thing. then we played game of life. I am the richest person!!! woohoo!! i got 500k. lol. afetr that we played wif kristin(RL's dog) after some joella and hui min went home. jade threw her collar on the grass and asked her to fetch it. lol the dog didnt listen to her but ran away instead. I know the dog is terrorised of me. coz me and hui ting was lyk standing near the door and i was watching jade, rui ling hui min and joella paying the pizza man. then i suddenly saw the dog near my legs. so i shouted 'woah' and it recoiled. lol. but u cant blame me lor, i have never been so close to a dog in my past 12 years. so i am not used to sth smaller than me around my legs. then hui ting's daad fetched me home. Thursday, January 20, 2005
Freaking tired today..
well of course look at my timetable today. 1ST PERIOD: lit-presentation(impromtu for my grp since we didnt even know one presenter's script and the other's script we only discussed for lyk 1 hour. AND IT'S GRADED) 2ND PERIOD: PE-3 rounds around the track and sprinting of 100m 3RD PERIOD: english- okay this lesson was relaxed 4TH PERIOD: science- worry about chinese presentation 5TH AND 6TH PERIOD: double chinese(sucky and presentation of 2 minutes once again GRADED) 2-4 o clock: Badminton: cecilia and i played 1 hour. but we play lyk so hard? my finger almost tuo pi! coz the grip is very sticky. my finger tuo pi twice last year. CONCLUSION: Tired tired!!! Today quite boringg. everyone was criticising a 2SE gal's compo. I gave her a D. coz she has failures in logic. Mrs Canham is so lieniant. a low B? that's lyk too high for a nonsensical compo. had a nice time discussing wif Shi yun about everything on MSN. and bombarding Jyr minn wif questions bout steads. then so funny. i was laughing throughout the whole thing. my grandmother came back today! she bought me a sheep. stuff toy la. yay. today yu yun didnt attend badminton. quite alot of ppl didnt. Ms lee was taking attendance today. then she read everyone's name but not me and cecilia's. she just ticked. then she look at us. she so funny. my favourite story of her was the one bout her bro. Her bro the only guy besides her dad in the family. then one day ms lee saw her sisters dress him up in her dress. then she was so horrified. then blah blah. then is thanks to her that he's now a macho man! lol. ms lee is so funnyyy!! lol. ok ya bye Monday, January 17, 2005
hey everyone..
so sian at home. sat and sun i had nth to do, and i was so damn sian. Ms Regina Lee is our badminton teacher!! yay she's so nice. Today mrs choo was so sickening. actually she's always sickening one la. what's her problem? u noe actually teachers should have PC lessons too, teach them how to socialize. i have never seen her smile before. but actually maybe maths teachers are lyk tt. Ms Lim SC oso nv smiled when she first came in. but then she got better. and she explain oso explain until very clear, unlyk mrs choo, no one understands what she's talking aboutt. Joella doesnt noe what is spy kids! lol.. today in CS quite funny.. do printers for 1 whole year loL. then Jaime mentioned last year's work. the itinerary. Lol. last year we did that wif hui shan and it was so funi. bugs bunny restaurant, twigs and branches restaurant lol. and then we had the whole day eating thing, and jaime koh walked past and said 'this group over here obviously doesnt want you to go on a diet.' lol so funi! then our first day in the itinerary we made it to 4:30 line up in school lol the students have to wake up at 3:30. I finally know who took my jacket lor.. is JIA HUI. today then she noe. plus last year i wrote big big on the board to ask everyone to check for my lost jacket. wa seh. jia hui u li hai la. but i so nice and forgiving. lol. today Ms Heng was so scary! she cancelled assembly halfway juz coz we 'were not interested.' actually she already had a problem before that. she said 'girls, why are you wearing your jackets slipping off your shoulders? that girl there, wear your jacket properly!' xiao man. then sec 2s started whispering and so she cancelled assembly. i tot she said SCGS gals very talented? well one of our talents is to multi task. lol. to talk and to listen at the same time. So sec twos got a lecture at gallery 3. by ms seah and bowness. other teachers just stand aside. Ms Seah said sec 1 behaved better than us. well of corse! they dont even know each other! how can they talk to each other then? stupid leh. Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Today Joella sang for us 'beautiful soul' lol. sing until so funny. my arms aching! i carry in my arms 3 books home. and i very tired.. we did the school cheers today.. and we had to stay back to do it! still say what mass PE..
Stupid Hui Ting, still never explain to me what is 'qiao'.. i bet no one knows the meaning of that word.. Isabelle and I were guessing the meaning of that word in the bus stop, and stupid michelle went to pull my hair.. idiotic. She says she misses me as a partner. hahaha. I noe I'm a very good partner lol. She says Susannah's very irritating. lol. Mrs canham is so dramatic! lol juz lyk Michelle. haha. Jade my msn is still not working. stupid la. Tuesday, January 11, 2005
today so funi, lol. The jiang lao shi pronounce 'compre' until so funi. lol. actually not very funi, but jade and I laugh until xiao. Now she's the second teacher who says that we musnt anyhow drink in lessons. wa lao, so ridiculous, drink water oso need permission. scarcely we dehydrate. today met some Nan Chiau idiots in the LRT station. Noisy bunch of sec 1 idiots. Got 1 acs guy stuff his ear wif earphone. lol. yesterday ms goh said werre 'tweenies'. haha. in between adults and children. wif a hint of rebellion. stupid charlyn, until now still haven gimme my b-dae present? u wanna wait till chinese new year then give izit? lol oh ya, Michelle so hyper today. keep on laughing when she saw us for recess. actually its giggling. and her breath stinks! eewww gross. she oso eat until so gross.. wa lao so er xin. Joella also, got one time in lunch, she put the plate back in the place already, then she took it out to eat again after hearing that we still have time to eat. lol. Monday, January 10, 2005
Stupid Wella, tag jade's blog dun tag mine. hmmmpphh.
then there's sth wrong wif my computer, i cant sign in to Msn messenger.. so im downloading it again.. just now was reading the newspapers, there was one article that i absobutely agree with. Lemme type the article here... When the government moved to implement the 5-day work and school weeks, the noble objective was to lessen the stress on Singaporeans and be more pro-family. In theory, kids are under less pressure and couples are not too dog-tired from work to indulge in wadeverr. (lol) blah blah blah. Schools and government workers have to work 12 hours a day bcos even as their working hours have decreased, their workloads havent. Students stay at school later for CCA. (Yeah!!) What is the point of making Saturday a day off when one is pushed beyond the limits for the fice days before that? and blah blah. Hear hear! I absobutely agree wif that. lol. and lately there's the tiger cup.. got one stupid country, throw all the urine bottles at singapore VIPS just coz they lost! wah lao. Pls la. ok i ought to type my commonwealth essay now.. u noe, lighten my workload.. Saturday, January 08, 2005
Just did the research of Karl Marx, it was so boring.
tmr's the meeting of the OM thing, so ma fan.. sigh. yesterday in sch we learnt atoms protons electrons neutrons and it was so complicated. After school sin yee and I went CP library, and i learnt that ms lim went st nick pri to teach.. what for she go there? sigh. I'm now 152 cm and 41.5kg. i bet i'm the shortest in class. I lost weight, and i grew only 2 cm! but i must let nature take its own course.. hahahaha. I dunno wad to do for the commonwealth essay leh.. i have no inspiration. cos i cant concentrate at all la.. ok anyway, i'm going to do geog research now.. Wednesday, January 05, 2005
Hey, its the third day of school!
I'm quite surprised, all my teachers are quite nice! with the exception of maybe Dong, cos shes so naggy and interfering. and Tina Neoh! haha. I feel so superior now! I look down on the sec 1s! haha.. Guess what! I'm a CS rep! stupid la.. nth to do one. And can get 1 CCa point. Thats what she said. and theres going to be a new uniform.. this year's sec 1's so unlucky, buy the uniform for a year then must buy new one.. waste of money. haha. And Cecilia said Badminton's now tues AND thurs.. wa lau. there better be more CCA points given. Our OM grp is so enthu. we r having a meeting on sun. when the proj is only supposed to be handed in after term 1. My brother's going to Austalia tmr! lucky thing. Saturday, January 01, 2005
today i cleaned my room.. now it looks so much better. Then in the afternoon there was Hilary's island birthday bash on Disney channel.. it was so cool.. and fun.. Basically the show was 'bout Hilary's birthday(duh) how she, her sister and their friends spent a few days on an island. I dunno what it's called. haha. The island was VERY beautiful.. they went surfing, scuba diving, and ATV(something that's four wheeled. haha). And Hilary performed there. then simple plan performed 'addicted' and smashed(actually not smash.. just like cream on her face) a cake into her face when the cake came out. lol. after that there was a new series of thats so raven.. so funny.. lol. ok i gtg..bb happy new year everyone! |